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Do Elbow Sleeves actually help?

Do Elbow Sleeves actually help?

Beginning of this year (2024), King Of Weighted was the first brand to develop and release streetlifting specific elbow sleeves. The SL Pro Half Stiff Sleeve was born and shortly after the SL Pro Line was completed with the SL Pro Full Stiff Sleeve. With these two releases the streetlifting dip was boosted world wide by 5-15kg for every athlete using those sleeves. A small revolution if you ask me.

The idea of this blog post is to explain to you, what the 'science' behind the performance boost of elbow sleeves is and how we implemented this in our product development at King Of Weighted. With this knowledge, you can later make proper buying decisions when it comes to choosing your dip equipment.

First, let us take a look at the main performance driver of elbow sleeves. It's often assumed, that the main effect comes from the elastic properties of the used neoprene. It acts somewhat like a spring that gets loaded with bending the elbows and releases force when we dip up. Modern technologies allow the use of highly compressed, very stiff neoprene. It indeed takes some force to bend this material, which then helps to control your negative and supports the positive phase of the dip. This is one argument for wearing sleeves, but not the main one. The main performance driver is a different, often overlooked one:

1. Increased Interface Contact

If you ever dipped with elbow sleeves or squatted with knee sleeves, you might notice that the support you get from the sleeves peaks at higher flexion ('bending') angles. So the support you feel gets much bigger the lower you go / the more you bend the elbow or knee. The reason for that is not mainly the increased 'spring force' but rather the increased interface contact that is created by the sleeve. If you dip down, the sleeve creates a fold that fills up your elbow joint.

This creates more and earlier interface contact between your upper arm and your forearm. This is an absolute gamer-changer. It allows a direct and bigger force transfer between those two structures. Imagine it as 'passively' resting your upper arm on the forearm. To get an impression of the effect magnitude, we can look at a study (PMID: 31558308). They took a look at the forces in a knee joint during a squat. They analyzed how the joint forces change with increasing interface contact between the upper leg and calf. The results are stunning. 

"Our results showed that, in a deep squatting posture (knee flexion 120+ degrees), the posterior thigh/shank contact helps reduce the patellofemoral (PF) and tibiofemoral (TF) normal contact forces by 42% and 57%, respectively."(1)

You don't need to be an academic to understand that this is a huge effect. If we apply this learning to dips with elbow sleeves, we can achieve an earlier, and bigger interface contact and so reduce the forces in elbow joint by a lot. This will allow us to immediately, without any further strength gains use more weight for our dips. By our experience and customer feedback, we are talking about a range of 5-15kg. The range varies, as depending on the technique and muscle mass of an athlete the interface contact changes more or less with adding a sleeve.

With that knowledge in mind, it is an absolute no-brainer to use elbow sleeves for your dips if you are a competitive athlete and want to maximize your performance. For our SL Pro Half Stiff Sleeves, we used this knowledge to create an elbow sleeve that maximizes interface contact without the hustle of fighting yourself into a full stiff sleeve as you might know it from your stiff knee sleeves. The inside of this sleeve is a 7mm highly compressed stiff material. Its job is to create a lot of interface contact to decrease elbow joint forces. Therefore the material needs to be stiff so it gets less compressed. The outside material is a 7mm flexible neoprene. This decreases the 'spring force' effect of the sleeve a bit, but allows you to get into the sleeve much easier and still keeps your elbow warm. That leaves a bit of a small performance difference to a full stiff elbow sleeve, but comes with the perks of comfort and usability. For a competition, a full stiff sleeve might help you to further maximize your 1RM attempt by a little, and so worth a buy only for competitive athletes.  

 2. Increased Temperature

We all know that warm-ups are an effective way to increase our performance. There is a ton of evidence to support the claim that warming up will increase your ability to express strength (2) (3). As a consequence, a reduction in temperature will decrease performance. (4) The elbow sleeve, to be fair, any type of elbow sleeve, will help to prevent the muscle temperature from dropping and so keep performance higher.

3. Increased proprioception

The sleeve will compress the area it sits around. This means, your brain will get constant feedback from this area. This increases the awareness of the elbow joint. You are more aware of the position and the movement of this joint. This increased so-called proprioception can have a beneficial effect on your exercise technique. To be fair, for some athletes this increased proprioception also does exactly the opposite and throws the technique off. So this point can be both, an advantage and a disadvantage.

Summing this up, sleeves will provide measurable performance increments based on the 3 (+1) mechanism that we discussed. Increased interface contact, elastic material, increased temperature, and increased proprioception.

Now the question may arise, is wearing elbow sleeves beneficial if my main goal is building up muscles?

If your main goal is hypertrophy, a sleeve is not needed. Looking at the elbow joint, you would need to load much more weight to provide the same stimulus to the elbow extensors if you are wearing a sleeve. This will make the exercise unnecessarily heavy and fatigue passive structures and other involved muscle groups more than necessary. If you are looking at shoulder, and chest gains wearing elbow sleeve could shift the limiting factor of this exercise a bit more towards these muscles and so help to increase the stimulus per set. This is not necessarily true for everyone if the limiting factors are already those muscles. 

Does a sleeve decrease injury risk?

Yes and no. Yes, if you are using it to decrease the joint force in the elbow without using this advantage to add more weight. This will decrease the stress on the structures in the elbow and so decrease the risk of overloading injuries. If you compensate for this advantage with more load, you don't win on this front. You can possibly also argue, that the increased temperature can be a plus here, but more research will be needed to support this claim. 

When should you start using sleeves?

Wearing elbow sleeves is beneficial for everyone that wants to increase the load on the belt. Independent of the level, the sleeve has a similar effect range in absolute weight gains for everyone. This means it adds around 5-15kg to your 1RM. If your 1RM is 30kg, that is 16-50%. In this case, wearing a sleeve all the time in your training will maybe allow you the use of weights your body is not adapted to yet. If you are at an earlier stage in your streetlifting journey, do not feel forced to wear sleeves in every workout or at all. This might allow your body to adapt more naturally to the loads you can actually move. Once you are adapted and spend 1-2 years in the sport, getting your hands on performance-enhancing equipment is recommended from my side. If you want to compete earlier, I would count this as a valid exception. 

If you are interested in elbow sleeves designed for especially for streetlifting and weighted calisthenics, you can find the SL Pro Sleeves in our webshop.


(1) Wu JZ, Sinsel EW, Carey RE, Zheng L, Warren CM, Breloff SP. Biomechanical modeling of deep squatting: Effects of the interface contact between posterior thigh and shank. J Biomech. 2019 Nov 11;96:109333. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.109333. Epub 2019 Sep 13. PMID: 31558308.

(2) Fradkin AJ, Zazryn TR, Smoliga JM. Effects of warming-up on physical performance: a systematic review with meta-analysis. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jan;24(1):140-8. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181c643a0. PMID: 19996770.

(3) McCrary JM, Ackermann BJ, Halaki M. A systematic review of the effects of upper body warm-up on performance and injury. Br J Sports Med. 2015 Jul;49(14):935-42. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-094228. Epub 2015 Feb 18. PMID: 25694615.

(4) Kapnia, A. Κ., Dallas, C. N., Gerodimos, V., & Flouris, A. D. (2022). Impact of Warm-Up on Muscle Temperature and Athletic Performance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport94(2), 460–465. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701367.2021.2007212