Understanding Calisthenics

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Entdecke das Buch, dass die Welt des Calisthenics und Weighted Calisthenics rivoluzionato. JETZT NEU con video extra!
"Understanding Calisthenics" vereint erstmals diese beiden Disziplinen und bietet Lesern eine umfassende Anleitung, um in beiden Sportarten herausragende Leistungen zu erzielen. Leggi oltre 350 pagine con oltre 250 grafiche e 142 video dei nostri maestri di Calisthenics pesati tedeschi. Con un focus mirato sul comportamento delle ricche tecniche di allenamento e sull'allenamento progressivo che include abilità calisthenics e "ponderate" questo libro è un altro game-changer. Tauche ein in die Feinheiten des Front Lever, der Planche, Handstand Liegestütze, Muscle-Ups, Weighted Dips e Weighted Pull-Ups (Klimmzüge). Dieses Buch geht dabei über einfache Erklärungen hinaus. Es enthüllt die biomechanischen Grundlagen Hinter jedem Element e gibt dir die Möglichkeit, dein Training an dein Level und deine individual körperlichen Voraussetzungen anzupassen. Egal, ob du ein erfahrener Athlet oder Anfänger bist, "Understanding Calisthenics" ist ein Muss für jeden, der nicht nur Calisthenics ausführen, sondern auch die zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien wirklich verstehen möchte. Reduziere dein Verletzungsrisiko und steigere deine sportliche Leistung mit diesem neuartigem Leitfaden.

  • Seitenanzahl: 352
  • Peso del prodotto: 1,5 kg
  • Formato: A4
  • Rilegatura: copertina morbida
  • Prodotto nell'UE

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Prezzo/Tempo di consegna

  • Germania - Kostenlos, 2-5 Werktage
  • Österreich - 4,99€, 3-10 Werktage
  • Svizzera - 6,99€, 3-10 Werktage
  • Italia - 4,99, 3-10 Werktage
  • Lussemburgo - 4,99€, 3-10 Werktage

La playlist video per l'acquisto. Erlebe CAPIRE LA CALISTHENICA aus einer völlig neuen Perspektive!

Oltre l'AUTORE

Michael Schulz ist der amtierende (2023) und insgesamt 4-fache deutsche Meister im Weighted Calisthenics. Il miglior lavoro è essere un allenatore di Calisthenics e Weighted Calisthenics con il suo team sotto il marchio King Of Weighted. Con il tuo aiuto King Of Weighted Coaching troverai molti dei tuoi clienti a livello nazionale e internazionale. Neben Weighted Calisthenics coached è vor allem Sportler*innen in Bereich of Calisthenics Skill-Trainings e porta i suoi elementi come Handstand Push Up, Muscle Ups, Front Lever e Planches bei.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Great book

You’ll learn everything you need to know about your training and more. Doesn’t matter what lever you’re on, you will can learn something new. You might consider this a new calisthenics bible.

Great book!

This is a game changer for the Calisthenics Community, full of useful information. First book i would recommend in this sport

Great present

Thank you very much for your fast delivery. It is a christmas present for my son and he is very excited about it and doesn't take it out of his hands.

Erik Bardanischek
Tolles Buch!

Endlich mal ein gutes Buch, fachlich und sachlich gut geschrieben!

Daniel Suter
The „streetlifting-bible“

The book is characterised by an extremely precise explanation of the classic streetlifting exercises, which are also illustrated with pictures. The texts are a bit difficult to understand for beginners, but even more suitable for coaches and athletes who already have some knowledge. All in all, the book provided me with very good answers in many aspects and I will use it as a reference book in the future. I recommend it to anyone who wants to delve a bit more into streetlifting and expand their knowledge in this regard.